Sunday 26 September 2010

Market Research Summary

We had eleven people answer our ten questions for our market research. We tried to aim our questionairre at as many people that we knew liked The Smiths to make it easier for ourselves. Our average audience age was around 19, so not too disimilar from ourselves which helps us to make our video appeal to our target audience as we are a part of it. The majority of our audience like the indie genre, which is ideal as we want our video to have the abstract indie vibe to it. The main hobbies and interests amongst our audience were fashion and art based. By making our video visually interesting, we hope this will appeal to people with these interests. Six out of eleven people said they preferred concept based music videos. As this is just over half, we plan to add some narrative to our video as it seems to appeal nearly as much to our target audience. Stop-motion seemed to be a successful idea so we will continue to plan to incorporate this into our video, and almost all of our audience said they preferred abstract videos, which suits us as this is what we would like to do as it fits our genre.
Over-all, our market research has helped us gain knowledge about our target audience and proved to us that our ideas (an abstract, conceptual Smiths video with use of stop-motion) will hopefully be successful among them.

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