Monday 11 October 2010

Applying theory to our Video

The Lyrics of Bigmouth Strikes Again:

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking 
When I said I'd like to smash every tooth 
In your head 

Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking 
When I said by rights you should be 
Bludgeoned in your bed 

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt 
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt 
As the flames rose to her roman nose 
And her Walkman started to melt 
Oh ... 

Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ... 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 

Oh, bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 

And now I know how Joan of Arc felt 
Now I know how Joan of Arc felt 
As the flames rose to her roman nose 
And her hearing aid started to melt 

Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ... 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 
Oh ... 

Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ... 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 
Oh ... 

Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ... 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 
Oh ... 

Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ... 
Bigmouth strikes again 
And I've got no right to take my place 
With the Human race 
Oh ... 

I have researched the lyrics on Here is what i have discovered...

  • The references to Joan of Arc wearing a walkman and a hearing aid referred to her having experienced instructions from god.
  • The first verse could be a reference to the English playwright, Joe Orton, who was actually bludgeoned to death in his bed by his lover. Orton was gay and wrote very open, shocking plays in a time when homosexuality was still illegal. Allegedly, he told a friend of his affair with another man and plan to leave his jealous lover just days before his murder. As morrissey had an interest in literature and his sexuality was constantly questioned in the media.

in more recent performances morrissey changes the lyric from 'walkman' to 'ipod' which i found rather amusing! :)

The Video we want to achieve will have seemingly abstract visuals but once looked at in more depth have a connection with the lyrics, we will therefore apply Steve Archers theory "video's tend to only suggest story lines and  focus on fragments of the lyrics". We will put this across by representing Jordan as selfish and arrogant, this will be connoted from his behaviour in the graveyard as he will be skipping through and dancing, this will create juxtaposition between the action and the location, This will also incorporate Barthes' Semantic code, as it makes connotations to his disrespectful and inconsiderate behaviour. The scrabble letters we will be using will also relate to the lyrics ('bigmouth strikes again') but besides that it will be abstract, and create an arty and interesting feature. Archer's theory is also incorporated as there is some performance based within the video which creates an almost star persona, and shows the band can really "kick it".

Bathe's cultural code will also play a role in the video, as everyday expectations of a graveyard, such as it being a quiet, depressing and negative place, will be ignored by our main character who's actions will juxtapose the stereotypical behaviour usually seen in a holy place. We chose an objective identity, and to focus on jordan, rather than a range of different characters/narratives. We are using vintage style costumes which look fairly working class, and vintage props which look old and worn, this does not support John Stewarts aspirational lifestyle theory, as the lifestyle portrayed in the video is fairly negative as he is arrogant and selfish, but also negative as Jordan will not look wealthy or popular.

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