Monday 11 October 2010

Our main character

Our main character is Jordan Fox.
I think Jordan is the best choice we have for our protagonist because of his 'indie' style, he can relate to the audience we are aiming for. His age is also a big factor of our reasons for choosing him as he looks about 18/19, Therefore relating closely to our 16 to 21 age group.
When looking at other icons of the indie, we can point out similarities between our actor others in the industry, which the audience may appreciate, because as Andrew Goodwin states the similarities will provide gratification and pleasure for the views/fans.
Andrew Goodwin also states that record companies will demand a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist, so what we decided to include in our music video was just that.

Jordan has an interesting face, because he has curly hair, which isn't very common on a boy, and also he has several piercings, which relate to today's trends.
The outfits we have decided to put our actor in also relate to today's trends, however because vintage clothing is in, it will also relate to the 1980s, which relates to Bathes cultural code theory, as our video is taking different traits from the 80's culture and mixing it with today's.

1 comment:

  1. Jordan suits the role so well! and it's good he does drama! x
