Wednesday 27 October 2010

Our location number 1

This is our first location of our music video. I really like this location because of it's size, and desolation. It's also good because it's very close to my house, so if we need anything it's not much trouble to go back and get it. It also means Lily doesn't have to drive us around with a lot of equipment.
The size of the field adds to the importance of the character in our music video, and the rural elements of the location add to the indie genre, and intertexuality of other music videos, such as Mumford & Sons:

I think the use of instruments in a rural area is a quirky thing to do, which is what we've been aiming for. I like the use of vignetting also, which I included in my 'Experimenting with location' post. 
I think it would be a good effect to consider when it comes to editing. 



  1. Excellent work Jack (and filming by Lilly, Directing by Aiden and assisting by Sofe) the intertextual link is really clear and your brothers screen presence is excellent.

  2. why does my voice sound really posh? embarrassing.
