Tuesday 9 November 2010

Advertising Hewitson River

Because I'm interested in advertisement, I've decided to look at different forms of advertisement that bands use to project themselves to a commercial audience.
One form of advertisement is of course the old fashioned TV advert.
I've found that advertisements of new albums or singles are often kept at basic, and obviously includes their main hit singles. This form of advertisement is probably one of the best kinds as I think it may be able to reach a wide audience, and also they are usually played on music channels, therefore aimed at a music savy audience.

Another form of advertisement is the use of social networking sites, such as facebook. Facebook incorporates artist pages, which fans can then go and 'Like'. I think this form of advertisement may be one of the most cost effective, as it is a free way of promoting.

A new form of advertisement is the iTunes store. iTunes displays new albums and singles, including promotions on different artists. The new feature of iTunes is the 'Genius' playlist, which compiles all of the music you listen to and suggests new music you may like. I think this is very beneficial to new artists wanting to be heard, as people will be able to find new music automatically. 
With iTunes, people can share their recently purchases with friends via the new service called 'Ping', this has the same benefits as the genius playlist because it allows others to find new bands and songs then previously wouldn't know about. 

There's other software which does similarly things, such as Last.fm, which does pretty much the same thing as the iTunes genius playlist. 

There is of course the old fashioned advertisement such as billboards and posters on the side of bus stops ect. 
One benefit of this method is economical, because posters are not hugely expensive to implement. I think perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages to this method is that people can not actually hear the music they are being persuaded to buy. 

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