Tuesday 23 November 2010


today's filming went really well, I got to Jack's house at about 6pm and luckily the weather was dry and it wasn't as cold as last week!

We used Jack's SLR to film as owain and sofie couldn't make it, so we were unable to use owain's camera. We set up in Jack's garden after deciding on a location over looking the fields and on the same decking we filmed the tea party, only at a different level. I think the location looks really effective as their is a barbed wire fence behind Jordan making connotations to the countryside and the field we had filmed performance in before. We also used the flowers that were still there from last week, I had to root around the shrubbery looking for any survivors! which i then arranged on the decking. The flowers as a feature worked really well and they looked very effective with the lighting we had arranged (using a floodlight), this also refers back (or forward, depending on editing) to the tea party. We both had a go at filming, however because the tripod was stiff only two parts of my footage was successful. As Jack was more familiar with his camera and was more successful with adjusting homemade tripod, I took the role or directing jordan, I wanted his movement to look natural so by looking down and fiddling with the rose, it looked more effective as it created realism.

Filming went really well tonight and we were finished in about an hour, allowing us to get some editing in, where we selected the best shots and put the song over the lip syncing, which worked really well and was pretty much on sync! We will send to owain's laptop for the final cut, I added some annotations on Jack's iMovie so that owain could be directed on what we had filmed.

 I am really pleased with the footage we got and how smoothly it went! Jordan fit the role of Hewitson really well and created a really good image with the location and props (flowers) we had to hand.

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